Where Does My Dollar Go?

$4,800 Gain the merit of full-time Torah learning for a whole year with a full Yissachar-Zevulun partnership. Sponsor a day kollel member’s annual salary.

$1,800 Light up the night with the fire of Torah. Sponsor a Kollel Erev member’s full yearly salary and gain the merit of keeping the flames of Torah burning around the clock.

$500 Once a year donation to be an Amud HaTorah, pillar of Torah, for a Kollel Erev member

Merit Every Month
Same reward, easy installments
$400 (400 X 12 for Day Kollel salary)
Per month for a Day Kollel member’s yearly salary
$152 (152 X 12 for Evening Kollel salary)
Per month for a Kollel Erev member’s yearly salary

$301 Gift a holiday. Send a large holiday basket to a needy family and transform their worries into a season of joy.

$201 Brighten the season. Send a small holiday basket to a needy family and give them the gift of peace of mind.

$201 Grant dignity. Adorn a family with a set of new clothing and make them feel like royalty.

$101 Fill empty plates. Send a food basket to a needy family and send children to bed with full stomachs.

$52 Give the gift of Shabbat. Send a Shabbat food basket that satiates a needy family’s appetite, transforming a day of hunger into a Day of Rest.