Day and Evening Kollel
Kollel Mishkan Shaul consists of two divisions: the day kollel, and the Kollel Erev. What is Kollel Mishkan Shaul? High caliber. Renowned. Distinguished. Kollel Mishkan Shaul is home to many of Israel's foremost scholars. With a Day Kollel learning full time, and a vibrant Kollel Erev in the evenings, the KMS beit medrash rings with the sounds of Torah learning around the clock. A preeminent institution of its kind, Kollel Mishkan Shaul is home to some of Israel’s most highly-respected and diligent scholars. Under the guidance and leadership of Rosh Kollel Rabbi Eliyahu Levy, KMS is dedicated to seeking out members of outstanding character traits with extraordinary commitment to Torah learning. Each individual kollel member is well-regarded by his peers for his accomplishments in Torah study, and as an entity, the kollel is considered to be a distinguished learning institution of the highest caliber. Kollel Mishkan Shaul consists of two divisions: the day kollel, and the Kollel Erev. From 8:00 in the morning until 6:30 in the evening, a group of ten remarkable scholars make up the day kollel. With steadfast devotion, this minyan of educated men pours over holy texts, studying, debating, and absorbing the timeless messages of our people, full time. As night falls, the Kollel Erev arrives. From 8:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m., a large group of 30 kollel members fills the room, each spending the night engaged in Torah learning, either with a study partner or by leading a class of local businessmen. Each kollel member, in both the day and evening divisions, has been handpicked by Rabbi Levy and invited to join, due to his excellence in both intellectual ability and personal characteristics. With its reputation known far and wide within comparable circles in Jerusalem, Kollel Mishkan Shaul attracts a long waiting list of applicants, hoping to become a part of this illustrious establishment. A colleague of Rabbi Levy, a Rosh Kollel himself, approached the KMS rav and asked, “If you ever receive an applicant whom you feel meets the kollel’s standards, but you can’t accept him due to space constraints – please send him my way!” With the approach of 8:00 p.m., the building fills back up and the sounds of Torah comfortably permeate the air once more. It is the sound that fits most naturally here. It is the sound that never leaves.